Instructions for abstract submission

Please read thoroughly
• The conference language is English and all abstracts must be submitted in English.
• Abstracts must be submitted online. Do not mail or email your abstract, as it will not be considered.
• Abstract text should be divided into Introduction, Material & Methods, Results and Conclusion(s). The online submission system will guide you through it. In the article Preparing a Scientific Abstract for Congress Submission you will learn what to include under each subject heading.
• Abstracts may not include tables and graphs.
• Statements such as ‘Results will be presented’ will disqualify the abstract. Hard data are requested (statistics, values obtained).
• Also, descriptions of techniques without data on veterinary oncology, will be removed.
• The upper limit for the text of the abstract is 250 words (excluding title, author and co-author names, affiliate institutions and sub-headings). Abstracts over this limit will be automatically rejected. The online submission system will guide you and will notify you if you are over the allowed word limit.
• Abstracts should contain original work; they are checked rigorously on former publications of the same research/data. An article on the presented research can be in press, but not already published at the time of the submission deadline.
• Case presentations will only be accepted as poster, but they will need to be exceptional and present unique information on the first presentation of a disease process or condition in a particular species or the first description of an intervention or treatment approach employed in a particular condition.
• There is only one ORAL presentation allowed per first author. On the other hand, several posters are allowed per submitter.
• With regards to the number of authors, these are the criteria for authorship:
- All authors must have participated in efforts to such an extent that they can take public responsibility for relevant portions of the content
- One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work, from planning to publication
- Only those who meet all of the following three criteria should be co-author of an article (or in this case an abstract):
- Final approval of the version to be published
- Drafting the abstract or revising it critically for important intellectual content
- Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data
• The online submission system allows editing until the deadline. After the submission deadline, nothing can be changed (author names, etc.).
• During the submission, the system will ask you if you want to compete for the Resident competition, in order to be compete for the Wim Misdorp Award the following rules apply:
- You must be a Resident,
- Since 29 January 2022 the EC has removed the age limit for the Resident award. It was regarded as being discriminatory.
- You must be an ESVONC member (i.e. paid your membership fee in the year of the actual competition - residents can apply for a discount in membership fee, please don’t hesitate to ask! It’s always a pity to lose a prize if your not an ESVONC member!

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